Mysore Style FAQ

Frequently asked questions about our self-paced open sessions.

Why is it called Mysore-style? What type of yoga is this?

This style of class is named after the city of Mysore in India where much of modern yoga originates. Traditionally, yoga is taught in a more personalised manner, passing on knowledge from teacher to student in a side-by side approach. We teach the Ashtanga vinyasa method – which is a fun and dynamic sequence of poses performed in a set order each time.

But what happens when I show up for the first time? What if I don’t know what to do?

Don’t worry! Nobody knows what to do when they come to their first class. The teacher will welcome you, discuss any specific concerns you have and then begin teaching you the basics of the sequence, pose by pose. Generally, you should allow about an hour for your first session.

Ok, I showed up –  wait, why is everyone doing something totally different?!

The students in this class practice at their own pace. Every student has been taught in the same way as you – they came in one day and were taught poses one by one. When you enter the room, you will notice everyone doing something different. Each student has learned a practice which has been co-designed by them and their teacher specifically for their needs and goals.

Is this only for advanced yoga students? What if I’m not very experienced?

Mysore style is perfect for beginners because it is customisable. Each student is at a different place in their journey. In the room you will find everyone from experienced students with advanced practices to compete beginners practicing alongside them – with every level of student in between! You will learn the joy of this style of practice through feeling inspired and supported by those around you.

What if I don’t remember the sequence of poses?

Everyone forgets! The teacher will always be there to remind you of the next pose. You begin to remember the order of poses with regularity of practice – and in collaboration with the teacher, you will begin to add more poses or change the ones that don’t suit you. The teacher is there to have a dialogue with you about what you are learning and to customise your experience for any issues or concerns you may have.

What is meant by “open session?” – when does class start and end?
Because each student has a unique practice, everyone will take a different amount of time to complete their sequence of movements in a session. We don’t place a time limit on the amount of class time you can take up. You can come for as long, or as short a practice as you like during the opening hours of a Mysore session. This helps with showing up to class regularly – you can start late or leave early on any given day if you need to!

Do I have to come every day?

Regularity of practice will help you remember the sequence more easily and help you reap the benefits faster. While the option is there to come every day, most people take a long time to work their way up to that level. Start with once or twice a week. As you begin to know your sequence, you will start noticing the benefits and the small improvements you make each time. You’ll become a regular in no time!

What if I don’t feel energetic, or I’m tired? Can I still come?

The beauty of a self-paced class is that the practice is always entirely yours. If you feel the need to skip poses, or do a more restful and restorative practice, even just to come and find some space for rest – that option is always there for you. We want to see a sustainable practice which supports our needs rather than something we forced ourselves to do.

What are the benefits of this style of class over going to a conventional yoga class?

In a led class, often the teacher can’t provide much direction to individual students because there are too many and things happen too fast. In Mysore-style classes, you get to have one-on-one conversations with the teacher about your practice. You learn much faster this way.
When you practice the same sequence of movements each time, you notice all the tiny ways in which you improve over time and your mind becomes calmer and more focused.

Can I come and try a class? Can I bring a friend if I’m nervous?

Absolutely yes. We run beginners courses in our afternoon sessions periodically, so send us a message today to book in for the next one! Alternatively, take the plunge and message us if you would like to come in and try it at any time – our teachers are always happy to have beginners!

What if I prefer a led format of class? Can I still come to the studio?

Yes! We have several led classes, including the Half Primary led class on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. In these classes you are taught the Ashtanga primary series by a teacher in the more conventional setting, with other students practicing in unison with verbal instructions from one of our friendly teachers. This is a great option if you are feeling curious about the sequence but not feeling ready to try Mysore style.

Have more questions?

Send us a message any time and we’ll be happy to help!